sexta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2009


Reticências para expressar o infinito indizível
Os sons inaudíveis
As imagens invisíveis
As sensações indescritíveis
E tudo mais que ainda não inventaram palavras pra expressar
Quem sabe um dia eu as invente
Por hora
Veja-as em meus olhos
Ouça-as no meu suspirar
Beba-as no meu paladar

quinta-feira, 6 de agosto de 2009

Transcendental Experience

There’s something sweet
Something hot
Something of me
Something of you
A lot of us
In this that people call kiss
But I would call rainbow
Or wings
Or butterfly
Or volcano
But that’s fine
Just close your eyes
And get close
I breathe your breath
And I get in contact
With your soul
My body and yours
Softly drawn
Incense in the air
Our perfumes becoming one
And we are just there
Sitting side by side
Closed eyes
Inebriated lips
Honey stars